What kind of movies am I looking for? 
Ideally, I would like to see well produced genre films with known cast:

-G or PG rated horse or animal movies
-Hallmark type love stories
-Urban Crime
-Christmas movies, especially with a dog
-Christian films
-Biblical period pieces
-Well produced horror/slasher
-Anything with known cast in it

I will take a look at any trailer. Please contact me at: Joel@BeYourOwnHollywood.com

Will you change my movie?
I may. This is show business, nobody calls it show art.  You’re engaging me, and my fifteen years of experience, so you can make money with your movie. My extremely low expense cap of $2,500 really does go to actual expenses, so that means I only make money if you make money. I’m interested in making money, which means I need producers who also want to make money. So what changes might I make? I may suggest some edits in your film – which you will then do or not do as you see fit. I will likely help you cut a new trailer that will help your sales. I will likely design a new poster for you (at my expense). I have the right to change the name of your film if I feel it will help it sell better. I always tell the students in my producing classes “don’t make your first movie your last movie”. If you don’t make money on your movies, then you won’t get to make movies anymore. Allow me to use my expertise in the business to help put you in the best possible position to make money.

Do you promise I’ll make money?
No. I promise you that I will help you get your movie into shape so it can be sold.  I promise you that I will bring your movie to distributors who I know personally and who I know for a fact actually pay producers. I promise that I will send you quarterly reporting and checks. How much that will be for is determined by the market value of your movie.

How do I submit?
Send your finished trailer to Joel@BeYourOwnHollywood.com along with any known cast that are in the film, a poster if you have designed one, and your contact info.